The simple answer has always been “Meet people where they are at.”
Look no further than the strategy employed by the folks at likely the biggest label in the world – Universal. When releasing Gwen Stefani’s new album “Bouquet” on CD they took to the airwaves. HSN airwaves to be precise.
Are Labels and Artists are still selling Physical Media in 2024?
Yes in fact many labels and artists are making heavy pushes back into physical media because the return on investment is much higher than streaming returns.
Why is Gwen Stefani on HSN hawking her new CD?
It’s about meeting your customers where they are at. Gone are the days of pushing out albums through a physical distribution channel. While Walmart, Target and Best Buy may still have a tiny retail footprint dedicated to selling physical albums, that doesn’t mean that folks that buy physical albums are making it to the store.
The marketing demographics for individuals purchasing albums on compact disc skews older and HSN still is able to grab a decent amount of those eyeballs. As they age, they are less likely to visit retail stores for shopping excursions so Universal went to them via HSN’s direct sales TV network.
I’m not big enough to get on HSN – How can I meet my audience where they are at?
Websites are a great way to meet your audience where they are and of course one of the oldest ways is still a great method – The Merch Table. Folks who have come to listen to your music want to support you as an artist. Compact Discs give them a great option to show their monetary support to your artwork and the physical item will always outperform intangible products like streaming.

Are you ready to press some CDs for your next Show?
We are here when you are ready – no quantities are too small. you can always visit our main website for your next Album Pressing or call us at 952-944-00830