As DVD, Blu-ray, Records, CD’s and even Cassette Tapes are enjoying a renaissance it can be kind of tricky to figure out where you can still buy them. Now I know for many the “thrill of the hunt” is a huge part about collecting physical media but for others they just want those bit rates and uncompressed colors.

This is a very basic attempt at curating a list of where one can still buy films and music on actual discs in 2024. Many times you can find your favorite movies to purchase for less than the cost of one single digital rental.
Places to Buy DVDs or Blu-ray Films, Albums or Music
- Dedicated Media Retail Stores – Vintage Stock is one that has recently seen some grown in store locations. Sunrise Records is a big one if you’re in Canada. Most of these closed down over the years but some have hung on and others have recently resurfaced. Don’t be afraid to pop in to your local mall to see if there’s an independent store selling records, games and movies.
- Thrift Shops – Local Thrift shops will often pickup DVDs from estate sales and other sources for resale in their shops.
- Big National Thrift Shops – Goodwill is a great spot to score music and films on DVD and CD.
- Local Libraries – Almost all libraries as part of their charter loan out physical media. Quarterly or Annual used book sale fundraisers will often have Films or Albums available for purchase.
- Garage Sales – If you love “the hunt” than theres not better way than hitting the pavement and garage saleing your way to bliss. Bonus points for scoring old VHS tapes with mystery content. You might even find something worthy of the Found Footage Festival.
- Walmart – One of the only places where it never truly went extinct you can find some gems in the bargain bins that occasionally pop up at walmart stores.
- Half Priced Books – They have a whole section for music and film on physical media at HPB.
- Truck Stops – Long Haul Truckers and RV folks are some of the stalwarts keeping physical media alive. Often times you can find some real beauts at your nearest truck stop.
- Local Record Stores – These folks are the lifeblood of physical media sales. Holding the line for over 50 years in some cases. If you’re a true believer in physical media you probably already have a personal connection with the record store employees and get texts when your favorite stash lands.
- Grocery Stores – Some grocery stores like Winco or Albertsons still have the little bins with DVDs worth perusing.
- Online – Of course you need to be surfing your way through the 10K gorillas that are Ebay, Amazon and Craigslist. Tons of physical media changes hands on those platforms everyday and setting up alerts for your favorite titles on each is a great way to score the harder to find stuff even if you might pay a bit of a premium.
- Pawn Shops – My personal favorite place to look for DVD’s is pawn shops because even if I don’t find a title I’m looking for I can always grab an extra 10mm socket for less than a buck (where do those things always go?)
- Local Book Stores – like record stores, local independent book shops have been holding down all forms of physical media for hundreds of years in some cases. Give them your money, it’s worth it.
Now this list of where to buy movies and music on physical media in 2024 is far from exhaustive, please add your favorite spot in the comments and I’ll update this post periodically.
This list was intended for an audience of content consumers but if you are a content creator and are looking to produce a film or album on disc we’d love to help you out. Our Techware Distribution family of companies can produce your DVD Project here in house or we’ll happily sell you the recording and printing supplies you need to do it yourself.