Published: Wednesday, August 3, 2011 2:37 PM CDT
Pete “Sundance” Tourek, of the Techware Distribution Turbos softball team, hit three home runs July 25 to lift his team to a 14-13 victory over Mielke Building and Remodeling in the Edina Monday Doubleheader Rec Softball League.

Sam Tourek of the Techware Turbos men's slowpitch softball team digs for home in a 14-13 victory over Mielke Building and Remodeling July 25 at VanValkenburg Park. (Photo by John Sherman • Sun Newspapers)
The Techware slugger, whose efforts produced nine RBI, modestly assessed his performance after the game at VanValkenburg Park.
“It was a good night,” he said.
Techware Turbos and Mielke Builders are two perennial contenders in Monday Rec slowpitch, and some good-natured banter between them is part of the game.
“We always enjoy playing Mielke,” said Techwaredist player coach Steve Nelson. “They’re small, but they’re slow.”
“They may have beaten us tonight,” said player/manager David Mielke of the Mielke squad. “But I’m sure they haven’t forgotten the 24-4 whipping we put on them the last time.”
The Turbos have become accustomed to winning a high percentage of their games. Two years ago, they won the Monday Rec playoffs. And last year, they were runners-up.
“The team was formed in 1992,” said Nelson. “At that time, it was basically the 1991 Edina High School baseball team.”
Nelson, Kevin Gabrik and Matt Dahlien are the only original members still with the team.
The Turbos are known for their defense. Some say hitters dominate the Monday league, but if the old saying “defense wins championships” is true, it shows up in the Turbos’ record.
Third baseman Matt Svidron made a couple of impressive defensive plays to help save the win over Mielke.
Mielke was down 14-8 going into the seventh inning and gave the Turbos a scare before the game ended. Scott Bantz hit a three-run homer to cut the Turbos’ lead to 14-11, and then Rob Presthus smashed a two-run homer to make it 14-13 before a flyout ended the game.
In their other game on the 25th, the Turbos defended well all over the field and beat Mayhem 17-7. The Turbos are 15-5 this summer and took third place in regular-season play.
Champps emerged as the regular-season champion, but with the playoffs coming up, the Techwaredist Turbos are optimistic.
“We beat Champps once and lost to them once,” said Nelson. “Anything could happen if we play them again.”
Monday Rec playoffs were underway as this edition went to press. The playoffs will continue Monday, Aug. 8, at VanValkenburg Park.