We take our service of digitally converting your VHS and other tapes extremely seriously. We know that these are irreplaceable family heirlooms filled with precious memories.

We are often asked a lot of questions regarding our VHS Tape Conversion Service – Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) :
Do you do VHS conversions onsite?
We convert 100% of our VHS conversions onsite here in Minneapolis, MN
What kind of tapes can you convert?
We can convert VHS, Beta, SD Card, 8mm, Hi-8, Mini DV, Film Slides, Reel-to-Reel Audio
Have you ever lost a tape brought in for conversion?
No we are a small business and all of our VHS conversion happens on site by our own hands
Have you ever had a VHS tape destroyed?
No, some tapes have come in that are already destroyed due to mold, or improper storage. We are unable to perform miracles
Do repair VHS tapes?
We can do some basic repairs as necessary on a best effort basis for simple situations like when a tape breaks
Have you ever lost customers VHS tapes to a fire?
No we provide our VHS Tape Conversion Service under a fire suppression system in our temperature controlled, secured commercial business park location. Your tapes are likely more safe in our warehouse than your home
Are your VHS Tape conversions guaranteed?
Yes however we highly recommend that any digital files we’ve converted to you are uploaded to both an additional offline storage medium (hard drive/laptop) in addition to a cloud based backup such as google drive or icloud
Where are you located?
We are located centrally near the intersection of Hwy 169 and Hwy 494 in Minneapolis, MN (Bloomington technically)
Can you restore VHS Tape?
No, as with all conversion or archival, the quality of the output will be determined by the quality of the input
Will I charged if my VHS Tape is empty?
No, since there is no vhs tape content to be converted, there is no charge for empty tapes
Do you watch the Videos you’re converting?
No conversion is a 1-for-1 process. A 90 minute Tape will take 90 minutes to convert. Quite simply there are not enough hours in the day
How long will it take?
That depends on a how many tapes we have in the conversion queue and how many tapes you have brought us to be converted. If you have a deadline like a funeral or memorial please make sure to tell us at dropoff time
Do you take extra care with VHS tapes?
Yes we know these are your precious memories and we do everything within our capabilities to make sure that they are handled with care and converted for future generations to enjoy.
Give us a call at 952-944-0083 or Contact Us via email to discuss having your precious VHS Tapes converted to digital for long term archival.