Potluck Fun

Potluck Fun

On the twentieth of December in the year of two thousand and twelve we took time to celebrate the season with a wonderful potluck. While the requisite signup sheet was posted to reduce duplicate dishes, in our haste we had forgone proper planning and load balancing. Quickly our Crockpot electricity capacity was overcome and a bottleneck exposed.

Post haste our crack team of culinary engineers quickly commandeered a folding table and a power strip was added to the mix – slow cooked goodness  was back in business, baby!  Our logistical challenges overcome, mini weenies and meatballs stacked up like pins at the bowling alley, ready to be knocked down one by one with our trusty toothpicks.  Nary a bowl of chili was unturned nor a cheesy dip un-dipped.

Revelers of all ages indulged in the excess of slow cooked meats and soups- a good time was had by all.

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