Sony 3.5” 230mb MO Discs – Brand New

3.5” 230mb MO discsJust got in about 350 new EDM-230c magneto optical discs. All brand new and factory sealed. These rewritable discs are very popular in the medical, aviation and telecom fields. Keep Techware in mind for all of your MO discs needs. Nobody stocks or sells more MO disks than

Looking for other hard to find magneto-optical media, let us know.

Call us with any questions – (952) 944-0083

Magneto Optical Disc Pricing to Increase in 2013

Sony just announced a 10% across the board price increase for all  3.5” and 5.25-inch MO disks. The new higher pricing will be effective on the 1st of April. Current MO disk capacities that will be affected:

[table id=1 /]

Sony is the largest manufacturer of MO discs in the market, so this price increase will hit online resellers and end users at some point in the 2nd Qtr of this year.

We have heard rumors of a possible second price increase by Sony in Q3 of 2013. More to come.