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Everest 600Everest Thermal Printer Repair

Do you want your Rimage printer repaired fast and done right the first time? We can fix your Rimage Everest II, III, 600 or Encrore printer in a week or less! Pricing starts at $195 for the test and advise process. Spare parts are additional.

Typical repairs consist of the following:

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Everest 600 being repaired at our facility.

Printer repair starting at $195

Standard turnaround time is 5-7 working days (excluding shipping time). Prices start at $195. Expedited options start at $395 for 24-48 hour repair. Most completed within 48 hours of printer arriving at Techware. See our terms and conditions. And please take a moment to review the dos and don'ts of packing.

Low quality media may damage your Rimage printer

All Rimage printers are designed so only one disc can be loaded into the printer at a time. When multiple discs are placed on the printer tray, damage is a real possibility.

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Repairs you can trust - done locally in Minneapolis, MN

Whether you need a new printhead on the latest Rimage Encore or a heat roller on an older Everest 600 we have the parts and knowledge to get your Rimage Thermal Printer back up and running as good as new.

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