8 Reasons To Promote Your Business Using DVD
By Jackie Johnson
December 23rd, 2008
1. DVD duplication provides a single delivery method for marketing and promotional information that cannot be matched by other forms of direct marketing:
- The visual impact of Television
- The audio impression of Radio
- The detail of a Catalog
- The targeting of Direct Mail
- The interactivity of the Internet
- The cost effectiveness of Commercial Print
- The sophistication of New Media
Through the use of multimedia design, DVDs can relate sounds, images, ideas, and information that can inspire, educate, stimulate, and even entertain the viewer or listener./p>
2. The best way to stand out from your competition is to do something unique or different. Despite the incredibly powerful message that DVDs can deliver, the vast majority of direct marketing is still done using ‘traditional’ means: bulky catalogs, clumsy brochures and all manner of junk mail. In other words, materials for your circular file.
What’s going to gain you more attention: (A) Sending another piece of junk mail just like all your competitors do, or (B) providing a unique and meaningful presentation via DVD or CD? The answer, of course, is "B".
3. Not only does a professionally authored and printed DVD get you noticed; the unique and innovative approach to your marketing will make the all important "good first impression" with your prospect or client. By association, if your message is viewed as being innovative, original and professional, then you also get viewed in the same light and thought of as being progressive, forward thinking and creative.
4. Due to it being a more unique method of marketing communication, DVD duplication marketing pieces have greater longevity and ‘pass around’ value compared to other types of direct to client marketing. It’s a unique and memorable means of contact, which gives it a perception of value and of being worth viewing.
5. Marketing research has shown a response rate 50% to 600% greater than traditional direct mail marketing.
6. Research has shown that memory retention is 50% greater with disc based multimedia presentations than traditional printed materials.
7. DVDs are much more cost effective to manufacture and distribute than catalog, brochures, and booklets. Additional savings are realized on postage/shipping costs due to the reduced weight and physical size when compared to many printed pieces.
8. Discs are the only physical media with the ability to link to your website for immediate contact, breaking news, incentive offerings, or additional information. Marketing through DVD duplication helps drive traffic to your website, which can be measured through Google Analytics for your specific marketing campaigns.
When you combine a dynamic and meaningful message with a unique and practical delivery method, while factoring in the low cost of manufacturing and distribution, you will find no better means to promote your business, products and services.