5 Simple Tips on Extending the Life of Your Rimage Everest Printer
By Kevin Gabrik
September 3rd, 2009
You just made a sizable investment in a Rimage Everest auto-printer or disc publishing system, and you want this high-end thermal CD / DVD printer to last along time. Simply follow these basic tips and you will be well on your way to enjoying years of trouble free disc production with your new Rimage Everest printer.
1. Only use genuine Rimage ribbons. The generic ribbons will damage your printhead. And printheads for the Everest III and 600 printers cost over $1000 to replace.
2. Set up your Rimage Everest 600, III, or II printer in a dust free location, on a surface at least 30 inches off the floor. Warehouses and other dusty areas will cause excess build up on the fans, printhead and other electronic sensors, which will lead to premature failures and downtime.
3. Use only high quality CD, DVD or Blu-ray media made by a top manufacture like Taiyo Yuden. Cheaper discs made in China, Taiwan and India tend to stick together which will increase friction on your printhead and cause the printing process to stop. Wasting valuable production time.
4. Never stick a sharp object like a knife, pliers or screwdriver into your Everest printer to clear a disc jam. The Rimage thermal printhead is highly susceptible to being damaged by sharp objects.
5. Turn off your Rimage printer or publishing system when not in use. Not only will you save on energy, you will extend the life of your printer. Excess and prolonged heat is not good for any type of electronic equipment.
If you treat your Rimage Everest printer with care, and keep these simple tips in mind, you should get 5 to 10 years of highly productive disc duplicating and printing out of your Rimage thermal printer.