Take a look at the picture a CD recovered from a Rimage Everest printer this past week. This is a prime example of what can and will happen when two or more discs stick together. Discs stick together typically if the manufacturing process is rushed or the correct precautions are not taken in the packaging and/or shipping process. These manufacturing short cuts are seen frequently in CD-r and DVD-r products made in Taiwan, China and India.
When the discs stick together, multiple discs are picked up by the Rimage picking mechanism. The sticky discs end up jamming up the printer itself and sometimes end up behind the closed printer tray or even below the tray. Damage occurs in this scenario, and typically expensive damage to the printhead ($1800+), inner cables and connectors, and sometimes even the printer tray has to be replaced ($900+).
The best way to avoid this is to use high quality CD and DVD media manufactured in Japan. Japanese manufacturers boast much higher quality controls than their counterparts in China and Taiwan. Discs made in Japan cost more than Chinese CDs/DVDs, but the long term value typically proves itself over time with lowered repair costs, labor costs, down time and shipping costs.
Brands like Taiyo Yuden and JVC work the best. Rimage also has its own brand also manufactured by JVC.