Not Happy with Rimage Service and Support?

Here is a quick note our service department received today about a Rimage Producer III 8100 upgrade w/ PrismPlus printer and a Rimage AutoEverest 600 that we fixed yesterday:

“I can’t quit talking about how great your service was, and how great the machines are working now!!!  So glad you came into our lives!!! Thanks for checking in and following up!”

Techware can keep your legacy Rimage equipment running for many years past the date the manufacturer’s support ends. Period.
Give us a try. Start by calling Mike at 952.944.0083 x-13


Packing Your Rimage Prism Auto-Printer Correctly

Poor Everest Autoloader Packing JobHere is a picture of a bad packing job on a PrismPlus Autoloader that was recently sent into us for repair. The sad thing is it was done at a UPS store. Notice how the robotic arm is twisted and dented. Tough lesson learned. I doubt that a damage insurance claim will go in our customer’s favor given the negligence in packing materials used.

Tips for a successful Rimage shipping result:

  1. Use the original Rimage shipping box and foam. Do not throw the box away.
  2. If you do not have the original box, call us to buy the correct packaging. If you don’t have time, start with a double walled box that is large enough for the Rimage unit and inner packing foam.
  3. Use snug fitting inner packing foam – no peanuts, no shredded newspaper or confetti, no thin bubble wrap, etc.
  4. Need help, or have any questions? Call us first before shipping – 952-944-0083

Keep in mind that using any other packaging but the actual Rimage boxes and packing foam is risky.

Big Changes at Rimage / Qumu

rimage now qumu copy

Qumu, formally known as Rimage, sold off all of its disc publishing assets to Minneapolis based Equus Holdings for and all cash deal of $23 million. This transaction is subject to certain closing conditions like shareholder approval and buyer financing

 Should be an interesting transition. We will keep you posted on how this may affect support of your current Rimage printers and duplicators.

 After listening to the conference call this morning it appears Qumu is relieved to divest the disc publishing business from their operations in order to focus all their efforts on their video streaming business.

Stay tuned for updates and relevant information related to the disc publishing and digital delivery market with Techware Distribution.

Damaged Rimage Prism Printheads

Take a look at the picture of this damaged and now unusable Rimage Prism print head. Notice the damage to the gold colored area of this particular printhead. This damaged occurred when 2 or more silver lacquer discs stuck together when picked from the output bin of the Rimage robot. One of the CDs ended up getting wedged in the printhead causing the printhead to fail and the ensuing damage.

prism printhead - damagedAll Rimage printers are designed so only 1 disc is to be loaded into the printer at a time. When multiple discs are placed on the printer tray, damage is a real possibility. No Bueno.

Prism printheads cost over $600 just for the part (labor is additional). A very expensive price to pay for using cheaper and lesser quality CD-r and DVD-r disc media.

Call Techware @ 952-944-0083 x13 if you have experienced these types of problems as we can help you out with all of your cd/dvd printer and duplicator repair needs – specifically w/ Primera, Microboards and Rimage equipment.

Don’t Use Cheap Media in your Everest Printer

Take a look at the picture a CD recovered from a Rimage Everest printer this past week. This is a prime example of what can and will happen when two or more discs stick together. Discs stick together typically if the manufacturing process is rushed or the correct precautions are not taken in the packaging and/or shipping process. These manufacturing short cuts are seen frequently in CD-r and DVD-r products made in Taiwan, China and India.damaged cd or dvd media

When the discs stick together, multiple discs are picked up by the Rimage picking mechanism. The sticky discs end up jamming up the printer itself and sometimes end up behind the closed printer tray or even below the tray. Damage occurs in this scenario, and typically expensive damage to the printhead ($1800+), inner cables and connectors, and sometimes even the printer tray has to be replaced ($900+).

The best way to avoid this is to use high quality CD and DVD media manufactured in Japan. Japanese manufacturers boast much higher quality controls than their counterparts in China and Taiwan. Discs made in Japan cost more than Chinese CDs/DVDs, but the long term value typically proves itself over time with lowered repair costs, labor costs, down time and shipping costs.

Brands like Taiyo Yuden and JVC work the best. Rimage also has its own brand also manufactured by JVC.

Rimage Everest 600 Printer Sale – Two for $9900

2-everest-600s-NEWRimage just announced a great deal on their industry leading Everest 600 AutoPrinter. Get (2) Everest 600 Autoprinters for $9900. That is the lowest cost promotion Rimage has ever had for two of these industrial, high resolution CD/DVD/Blu-ray printers. Promotion runs from December 2, 2013 – March 14th, 2014.

This is proven technology as the Everest line of printers were first introduced in 2000. The Everest 600 printer is the 4th generation, and has been a strong performer since 2008. Previous Everest printers maxed out at 300×300 resolution or 90,000 dots/inch. The Everest 600 boosts 600×600, or 360,000 dots per square inch. That means the E600 printer has 4 times the sharpness. 4x the resolution/definition/clarity/detail as the Everest III and Everest II printers.

Rimage Everest 600 printing at it's best

Read a comprehensive Rimage Everest 600 review that we did a few years back.

These will sell quick, so orders will be filled on a 1st come 1st served basis.
Call us today for details!

1-800-295-0083 x-13
1-952-944-0083 x -13

Or email

We also sell gently used and refurbished Everest printers . Repair Everest printers & Prism printers, autoloaders and full Rimage systems.


Fast CD Printer Repair

We have an interesting disc printer repair story to share with you this week. Yesterday, a longtime customer stopped in our office with an older PrismPlus printer that was in need of repair. The customer needed the printer back ASAP as he had numerous CD and DVD projects that he needed to complete this week.Rimage PrismPlus printer

 The Issue:

The Prism DVD printer was intermittently failing to print the bottom part of the disc. Essentially the printer stopped working about 1/3 of the way onto the disc.


10:15am – Printer is dropped off and checked in at Techware
10:45am – Our tech started work
11:30am – The printer was cleaned (needed badly), firmware was updated, and we replaced the disc detect strip
1:30pm – 250 test discs were printed using our test Rimage AutoPrinter II – all looked good
2:30pm – Our customer had the printer back at his shop up and printing discs perfectly

Now this repair story is a best case scenario, but it does happen this smoothly and quickly often. This is the kind of outstanding service that your get by being a Techware Distribution customer. It is what we strive for here at Techware.

Consider Techware for all of your disc printing, replication and duplication needs.

Rimage 5300n CD/DVD Equipment Sales and Support

Are you a hospital, imaging lab or print shop that has a Rimage 5300n system that is in need of repair? Or would you like a back-up system or replacement? Have you been told5300N “no” or “not possible?” Or been told you have to upgrade to a new $15,000+ system?

Techware has better options for you.

Many of you may have Rimage systems that are private labeled by 3rd party companies like GE Medical, Siemens, Philips, Pacs Gear and many others.

We have pristine 5300n systems that look like the above picture (keep in your system may have a different model name or number) that can be easily integrated or swapped into your DICOM / PACS environment.

We also have plenty of spare parts for these Rimage 5300n systems – printheads, picker mechanisms, lift motors, embedded power supplies, embedded modules, sensors and more.

Call us at 1-800-295-0083 x-13 or fill out our contact form here  –

Rimage is now Qumu

rimage now qumu copySignaling their commitment to the growth and future viability of the online video market Rimage today announced the change of name.

Minneapolis, MN – June 17, 2013 – Rimage Corporation (NASDAQ: RIMG), the leader in secure multimedia content management and delivery solutions, today announced that it will change its name to Qumu Corporation. The change will take effect in the third quarter of 2013.

The name change reflects the company’s ongoing commitment to the growing multi-billion dollar market for enterprise video and rich content.


Rimage or rather Qumu will continue to offer its award winning line up of CD/DVD/BluRay publishers under the Rimage name.  The name change will take effect in Q3 2013.

For more information and up to date news on the state of the disc publishing market please bookmark our site or stop back often.

To learn more or purchase a Rimage CD or DVD Publisher.

Rimage Repair Packaging for Shipment – Done Right!

rimage-repair-boxesJust wanted to take a moment to highlight these four systems we recently received in for repair. These packages nearly brought a tear to our warehouse managers eye.

Shipped in original packaging these units arrived safe and secure. Packaged in factory foam, our technicians and warehouseman don’t have to take time cleaning the equipment and removing refuse. This ultimately translates into savings for our customers and makes everyone all around happy campers.

If you need more information about having your Thermal CD printer or publisher repaired or would like to know the best way to package a printer for repair please contact us today.